How to Implement an Online Board Room Meeting

Meetings in the boardroom online help to cut down on the necessity for physical meetings and save on travel costs. It also provides flexibility to members who can take part from any location. But, as with any new technology, there are challenges in implementing this tool. Before using the software, board members should be familiar with it and understand how it operates. They must establish clear communication protocols and expectations.

The most significant challenge is making sure the remote participants are fully engaged in discussions. When a conference is online, it’s easy for participants to get distracted and lose their concentration. It is therefore essential to keep them interested by making sure they hear the speaker. A clear agenda helps facilitate an efficient discussion and prevents the meeting from getting too long. Ideally, the agenda should include 20% fewer items to give enough time for discussion. In addition, it is recommended to make the meeting an hour or two earlier than normal meal times so that you don’t have to eat in front of cameras. The chair should also ask board members to utilize the mute button when they are not speaking so that background noise is not distracting.

The most important thing is to ensure that the virtual conference portal and the board portal work in tandem. A quality solution will allow you to manage the video call and also documents from a single location. The system will also make it simple for users to download and view an agenda in PDF format, even when they are offline.

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