Business Processes Related to Contracting and Management

A business process is a series of structured activities by people or equipment that produce a service or product in a predetermined sequence to accomplish an organizational objective. Effective, efficient processes enable businesses to manage their work, manage their operations, reach objectives, and deliver value to customers and employees.

Contracting processes in business and management include the creation of planning, designing procurement, preconstruction, construction, commissioning and decommissioning an project. Each of these steps involves a number of participants, contracts, agreements milestones, deliverables and deliverables, as well as responsibilities and risks. They are usually complicated, time-consuming and labor-intensive. The efficiency and effectiveness of the processes determines the success of any given project. The quality of these processes directly affects the employee morale as well as the happiness of customers.

At Corcentric We are frequently asked to assist construction companies improve their processes with the purpose of improving performance. This is achieved by conducting an exhaustive review of a process that is in place, then preparing an idea of how the company can improve its processes with specific goals in mind (e.g. reducing cycle times, improving quality) and then implementing the new procedure and monitoring and evaluating its ability to produce desired outcomes and results.

Bottlenecks can be caused by business processes that are not optimized. Lack of clearly established and efficient workflows can lead to frustration at work. Poorly designed processes, for example that can lead employees to spend valuable time looking for information and completing tasks that could be automated.

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