What Does TIL Stand for on Reddit?

what is til

The acronym “TIL” commonly stands for “Today I Learned.” It is frequently used on social media platforms like Reddit, where users share interesting facts or information they have recently discovered. TIL posts often begin with the acronym followed by the new information the user has learned. While the exact origin of the acronym is unclear, it has become a popular way for users to share fascinating tidbits and engage in discussions about various topics.

Origins of TIL

A quick Google search will give you multiple websites where you can customize what you want to learn about. This will give you multiple events throughout time that occurred on that date. If you want to convey more information to your repayment schedule in excel friends or readers online, via text or in any other informal text-based communication, you can use these abbreviations. This was originally created so that Reddit members could learn interesting or little-known facts about a topic.

What are synonyms for the abbreviation TIL?

According to the OED, until appears to have been formed by adding the Old Norse und several hundred years after the first records of till. Even though till is often considered less formal than until, it has been in use for several centuries, especially outside the United States, and is perfectly acceptable standard English. By and large, however, both spellings ’til and til are widely rejected in the writing community.

History of TIL

what is til

On December 28, 2008, a Reddit user named nix0n created a subreddit called Today I Learned. According to Google Trends, TIL has been used online since at least 2004, and its use steadily increased throughout the 2010s. “My kids go back the day after Labor Day and I like starting in September because we get to enjoy the summer,” said Julia Fuller, whose kids go to a public school in Jefferson County, New York. “I would love year-round with more breaks to alleviate the need for childcare for two straight months, though.” If messaging in a professional context with someone at work, or with a customer or vendor outside your company, avoid abbreviations altogether. Spelling out full words shows professionalism and courtesy.

what is til

Proper punctuation is similarly a non-concern with most text message abbreviations. For example, the acronym for “too long, didn’t read” can be TL;DR or TLDR. “Until” is a preposition and conjunction that expresses a duration of time leading up to a specified point.

Capitalizing and Punctuating Web and Text Abbreviations

“We’re ready!” Andre Simmons, principal at the Albany Middle School also told USA TODAY. Students in his Dougherty County, Georgia school are headed back on July 31, which is slightly earlier than the usual August start date. However, he thinks the adjustment is overall better for the school’s teachers and pupils. “As a parent and former teacher, I think the earlier start date works well,” she said. “For all teachers and middle/high school students to be able to finish the second quarter/first semester prior to winter break is ideal.” By Thursday, July 25, all students in Lamar County, Mississippi were back in school.

  1. However, he thinks the adjustment is overall better for the school’s teachers and pupils.
  2. In the Southeast, for example, kids are headed back to school before July ends, while others in areas like the Northeast are still smack dab in the middle of summer.
  3. If you have interesting information to share with your followers, you can use “TIL” or “Today I Learned” in your tweet.
  4. On the other hand, ‘til is an abbreviated version of until that is used from time to time, but till is generally regarded as more correct.
  5. Girls use TIL similarly to everyone else, as it is a widely recognized acronym with a specific meaning.

Till has no literary history as a contraction, so there is no need for an apostrophe (more on this below). Even though until is not a very long word, it has become common practice to shorten it by dropping the first syllable. This is the norm in every day spoken English, but it presents a challenge in writing. In the Southeast, for example, kids are headed back to school before July ends, while others in areas like the Northeast are still smack dab in the middle of summer.

It’s actually a separate word altogether with a variety of meanings, one of which means the same exact thing as ’til. The difficulty people face is determining whether or not  till is used as a contraction and therefore requires an apostrophe, i.e., ’til. And while you might expect all students to dread going back, Simmons https://www.1investing.in/ said some of his pupils have told him they’re ready. “I think they miss their friends and they’re just ready to be back,” Simmons said. Emily Simril, a former teacher and mother of three children attending school in Greenville, South Carolina, said she prefers the later start dates that are common in southern states.

It is widely shunned in all variations of English, and till is widely preferred by opinion and by common use.

TIL has become a popular way to share interesting facts and trivia with others online. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning and origins of TIL, as well as its impact on language, culture, and society. Whether you’re a trivia buff or just curious about the way language evolves in the digital age, the story of TIL is sure to fascinate and entertain. Additionally, till is a synonym of until, not an abbreviation for it. Unlike popular text and internet abbreviations, till has been used in the English language for centuries and is even older than until.

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