Is It Love or Addiction? Learn the Signs and Causes of ‘Love Addiction

when you love an addict

No matter what they say, addicts aren’t drinking or using because of you, nor because they lack morality or willpower. They deny this reality and rationalize or blame their drug use on anything or anyone else. But recovery from what has been informally called “love addiction” is possible.

when you love an addict

Learn the difference between lust, love and addiction.

when you love an addict

” Allow yourself to answer honestly, and be aware of any feelings that come up. It has been said that the least favorite word for an addict to hear is “No.” When addicts are not ready to change, they become master manipulators in order to keep the addiction going. Their fear of stopping is so great that they will do just about anything to keep from having to be honest with themselves. Some of these manipulations include lying, cheating, blaming, raging and guilt-tripping others, as well as becoming depressed or developing other kinds of emotional or physical illnesses. Whatever your particular situation is, acceptance of what you are dealing with in your life is the first survival tip for loving an addicted person. However, once you let go of the need for closure, you free yourself to be present in the moment with your full attention.

when you love an addict

Do Understand They’ll Need Outside Help

At Gateway Foundation, we offer addiction education and support for families facing addiction. From family counseling to individual therapy, we can help you regain control of your life and start feeling better. Treatment centers often provide family therapy, where you can learn more about addiction and healthy ways to communicate or set boundaries with struggling loved ones. Having someone to talk with can often go a long way in supporting your mental health. At the same time, this can make it more difficult for you to focus on your mental health. You might deal with frustration, stress, anger, or burnout as you attempt to instill change in your loved one.

  • James tells how he just barely got through what must have been really horrible days in his early recovery.
  • The best way to come out of your own “addictive behaviors,” such as enabling and people-pleasing, is to focus on your own life.
  • Dye explains that intensive workshops may also be helpful, such as multi-day survivor workshops or other workshops that cultivate healthy behaviors around love.
  • Unpredictable and dangerous, yet sometimes exciting and romantic.

Loving the Addict While Hating the Addiction

People prone to addiction may be more likely to exhibit mood swings, impulsivity, thrill-seeking behaviors, and low self-esteem. Trauma, such as physical or sexual assault, is a risk factor for love addiction in the loving an addict sense that trauma is a risk factor for any addiction. More than 70% of patients treated for substance abuse disorder have had a history of trauma. Unpredictable and dangerous, yet sometimes exciting and romantic.

  • Dye explains that this may cause partners to pull away because it may feel overwhelming or exhausting.
  • Letting them know that they act in ways that hurt you may even motivate them to get help.
  • Enabling an addict refers to behaviors or scenarios where you’re removing consequences from the behaviors of the addict.
  • Coming face-to-face with reality means accepting that parts of your life may be out of control as a result of loving someone who is engaging in addictive behaviors.

The Ambiguous Loss of Loving an Addict and Letting Them Go

Enabling an addict refers to behaviors or scenarios where you’re removing consequences from the behaviors of the addict. It can be as simple as lying for the person or covering for them. When you love an addict, you may constantly feel that you’re on edge, or worried when that dreaded phone call is going to come. Many types might be right for you, from a relationship therapist to an addiction program. Addiction recovery programs offer substantial literature, usually in the blog sections of their websites, about addiction-related issues. Educating yourself about what addiction is and how it has been at play in your life can be a key step to your recovery.

If you have been waiting to see whether things would get better without professional help, please consider getting help NOW, before things become even worse. Even though the addict has undoubtedly contributed his or her share of the trouble, in some way you also have a part to play in what is going on. For example, you might be keeping the “drama” going by lending money to your addicted loved one. Or perhaps you are always willing to be there to listen when they tell you all about the problems they are encountering as consequences of their addictive behaviors.

  • If your friend or loved one chooses to speak to you about addiction, don’t disagree with what they’re saying.
  • Addiction is so stigmatized in our society that people with this type of disorder often expect others to criticize, insult, belittle, and reject them—which can be a barrier to their recovery.
  • Other signs are more obvious, such as stalking a love interest or restricting who they interact with.

Press Play for Advice On Finding Help for Alcohol Addiction

When Someone You Love Is an Alcoholic or Addict

when you love an addict

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