Five Strategies For Combating Fatigue Among Remote Employees

It’s inspiring at first, but dig deeper and we realize that the demand from them is too much. Closer to home are parents who perform their work and care for children at the same time. The new realities of homeschooling, caring for an aging parent, or even finding ways to supplement the household income are recipes for a breakdown. With the help of a WiFi extender or LTE, you could also bring your phone, tablet, or laptop outside and enjoy fresh air while attending a Zoom meeting or working solo. Sometimes, it is not the screen itself that makes you feel sluggish, but rather feeling stuck indoors. Each month, team members vote on a book and have one month to read the title before meeting via video call to discuss it.

remote work fatigue

Working remotely for a long time caused employee burnout, emotional exhaustion, psychological strain, reduced job performance, high turnover, and low levels of professional accomplishment. Additional tasks performed by remote staff exacerbated feelings of psychological distress, social helplessness, professional isolation, turnover intentions, occupational stress, and job burnout. Resourceful and resilient organizations (Privara, 2022) operating remotely improved mental wellbeing and job satisfaction (Nemţeanu and Dabija, 2023), further optimizing employee financial security and reducing layoffs. The remote work experiences in terms of cognitive and affective processes (Robinson et al., 2021) influenced job performance and employee wellbeing, thereby persuading organizational behavior. Flexible jobs, time management, and emotional team support can improve employee health, productivity, performance, and creativity, reducing workplace stress, anxiety, burnout, and isolation. Organizational support decreased workplace stress, which brought about feelings of hopelessness.

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I have found scheduling breaks in my calendar makes me more likely to take them. Some studies suggest you should take five-minute screen breaks every hour so try to get up from your screen and stretch every hour. It is important for your eyes, posture, and overall well-being to stop staring at your screen. Do not use the break from your laptop as a reason to check your mobile device.

When asked to select the distractions they found that most adversely impacted their ability to concentrate, hybrid employees overwhelmingly selected digital distractions as the top culprits. Burnout happens when we’re tasked to do things we don’t normally do or when we face challenges that test our capacities. Burnout isn’t cabin fever – the distressing feeling of restlessness and claustrophobia when a person is confined for long periods. More than half of employees working from home have reported feeling burned out. Financial anxiety plus the added challenge of dealing with the pandemic (juggling home and work life, plus kids) have begun to take its toll.

Your brain activity literally drops when you have a Zoom meeting, research from Yale scientists finds

According to the basic rest-activity cycle (also known as BRAC), humans are optimized to pay attention for about 45 minutes, but at 90 minutes, our cognition drops significantly. Additionally, creating room for play can help foster team connections (so long as it’s done in small group settings), as well as relieve brain fog and anxiety. Some easy games that translate well to virtual or hybrid settings are Scattergories, trivia, and crossword puzzles. If you’ve been working remotely for sometime now, you may have already noticed the physical impact on your body. According to Krys Hines, a Washington, D.C.-based workplace wellness and ergonomics educator at KH Ergo and Wellness, the recent shift to remote work has aged our bodies by about 10 to 15 years. RemotePass has been so efficient for us as we have at least 60% of our team being remote.

remote work fatigue

Mentors should also make sure to follow up on promises made to their employees without being prompted. Proving yourself to be reliable is a key first step toward building trust with your mentees. We’re stuck with video conferencing as the next best thing to physical meetings.

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And at-home workers, especially those who are not married, are more susceptible to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Remote work is no longer a choice for many employees who were forced home by health concerns and organizational policies. Organisations that had never implemented hybrid before were suddenly making up policies on-the-fly, often without consulting employees. So, as in Klara’s case, part-office, part-home arrangements were thrust onto the workforce. But unless you are a television personality, it turns out being online constantly is exhausting. Psychologists suggest that Zoom fatigue may come from the intensity of being hyper-focused while attempting to constantly process non-verbal communication from other meeting attendees.

By saying no to certain meetings, you will clear up your calendar and have more time to focus on your projects. Changing your home office location can often positively impact your mood, boosting productivity and motivation at work. You can take advantage of Zoom’s polling functionality by adding fun or insightful questions to the beginning, middle, or end of your meeting. To add a poll to your session, go into the settings menu and navigate to the Polls/Quizzes tab. Starting your meetings with an icebreaker can help you avoid awkward silence at the beginning of the call. In addition, icebreakers are a great way to begin your call on a fun and positive note.

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