How Do You Support Your Sober Partner in Recovery? 13 Real Strategies

marriage changes after sobriety

Trying to make a relationship work with a partner who’s living with addiction can be an incredibly complex and challenging journey. The emotional bonds, history, and hope for change often make the decision to leave an incredibly difficult one. The term codependency describes a pattern of unhealthy relationships that are characterized by a strong reliance on others. Codependent individuals often feel responsible for the actions of those around them. They believe that they must take care of everyone else’s needs, even though it might mean sacrificing their own happiness. When a loved one is addicted to a substance, some people develop a set of behaviors, thoughts, and actions known as codependency.

Suggest Sober Activities

marriage changes after sobriety

This is why recovery is a lifelong process and needs constant attention. It can also be challenging to deal with the negative impact addiction has on your relationship. Addiction often leads to financial problems, communication difficulties, and even infidelity. If you’re dealing with addiction in your marriage, it’s important to seek help from a therapist or counselor who can help you navigate these challenges.

Rebuilding Trust (One Day at a Time)

marriage changes after sobriety

These professionals can also help you address any underlying issues that may have contributed to your substance abuse. Your partner may relapse one or more times before finally achieving long-term sobriety. Most treatment methods for substance use disorder involve the family. That means you will likely play a role in your partner’s treatment.

  • ” or “This is your fault.” Your partner may become defensive instead of opening up and sharing their thoughts.
  • Success is not overnight, so it takes patience from the recovering adult and the supportive partner.

Building Healthy, Sober Relationships in Recovery

The single most driving emotion I needed to heal was anger. We had become enmeshed, and I saw this as my fault. The time alone gave me space to do my own soul work and attend to my own life. Sometimes people discover who they really are in recovery and grow apart.

  • And actively listen to their thoughts and feelings, giving them a chance to share.
  • Try to demonstrate a hopeful attitude and encourage them to think positively.
  • And many of those individuals have partners or spouses.
  • Often, there is a “honeymoon” period when they’re on their best behavior and reaffirm their love and commitment.
  • Being a codependent caretaker hid their inner emptiness.

Well, Mike, thank you for coming on. I know this is I think it’s good conversation, but it’s hard to share our share shit, I guess, openly and have it out there forever. Mama had a Why get mama her why Mama’s not happy? And so it’s evolved right to like, everybody’s happy because mom is happy. It’s, uh, it’s not without, like, loss, right?

Helping a loved one live sober

I’d flaked on them too many times. And yet, not being asked mattered. Not having close friends marriage changes after sobriety mattered. I was lonely, but I also wanted to be left alone to drink however I wanted to drink.

Sobriety and Relationships: How to Fix Them When You Get Sober

Yeah, like, Hey, this is really hard for me. And I thought I was cool with the wine, but I’m actually not. What like, the self-loathing is gone. I have way more confidence I have way more ability to follow through on stuff.

marriage changes after sobriety

Healthy Ways to Move Forward With Sobriety and Relationships

  • But he’s not the type to talk about those things.
  • The antidepressant played havoc on his mind and body.
  • Because you’re not going to be the same person you were when you drank.
  • Positive relationships are essential in recovery.

The beauty of a support network is that it doesn’t just benefit you; it benefits your marriage as well. When your spouse sees that you have a strong support system, it can alleviate some of their concerns and stress, creating a more supportive atmosphere at home. Whether you are seeking care for yourself or a loved one, call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

marriage changes after sobriety

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